I suppose all writers (even though I am not really a writer) write because of some burning reason to put words down. For me, I started this blog out of a need to let my aging parents to come along with me and live vicariously through our travels aboard Pandora.
The desire to keep mom and dad with us kept me writing since November of 2007. Unfortunately, Dad passed away in late 2013 and my Mom in December of 2020 so I carry on. So, it is in Mom and Dad’s memory, that I continue posting.
Perhaps a link to the post I wrote shortly after his passing says it best.
And, more recently, a post about Mom’s passing.
When Mom died my brother Bill aptly noted that it was “the end of an era” which is so true. They were totally devoted to each other and were married for a very long time. I know that Mom missed Dad terribly.I was told by some of the nurses that took care of Mom in recent years that every morning when they were helping her get dressed, she would turn to this photo that was on her bedside table and say “good morning Bob”. So, there you have it, my story about this blog, now nearly 100o posts later and why I keep writing.
I am heartened by the knowledge that others enjoy my posts and it is very rewarding to get notes regularly from friends and others that stumble on my site.
So, keep those “cards and letters” coming and I’ll keep writing.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Mom and Dad will keep reading. I’ll be keeping that in mind.
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