The chickens of Annapolis. What’s with those chickens, really?

It seems that most everyone, teams, cities and countries have mascots.  Some become controversial in our ever so PC society such as the current debate about renaming the Cleveland Indians.   Welcome to America, where you can’t offend anyone.

Even Annapolis, it seems, has it’s share of debate about such things.  As I was walking around town the other day, I ran into a monstrous chicken, another and yet another.

Someone decided to set up an art project modeled on the same type such as the “cows on parade” in Chicago a number of years.  Legend has it that the city passed an ordnance making it legal to raise chickens within the city limits.  I am guessing that this didn’t include roosters.  Hens only.

It seems that this “chicken ordnance” spilled over to the art world and some local artists decided that they too wanted to be part of the debate.  The deal is that local businesses make a donation to create a “chicken blank” which is given to a local artist or school class, which is then “finished” according to the desire of the artist/class.   The finished piece is installed somewhere in downtown Annapolis.  I wonder if there is an arbitrator of “chick taste” to determine if the finished piece is an “approprichick” design for the community?  I guess you will need to be the judge.

Anyway, so much for background, here are some of my favorites.  This one had lots of little guys crawling up his back.How about a fleur de lis inspired chick?If chickens were smart, and I am told that they aren’t, this one would be at the head of the class.
Civic, or “civchick” pride was very much in evidence.  Go firefighters!!!
I’m thinking school class.  The work of many, small, hands.
This one seemed to be looking into the conference room window of a downtown hotel.  The folks around the table looked like they were in pain.   As awkward as it was, I leaned up against the window and snapped this candid of one of the folks in the meeting, watching a Presentation, no doubt.   Not a good day at the office.   Me, I prefer a visit to the boat show. Yes, definitely better.  “Not so PC Bob.  Down Bob, down Bob.  Not PC at all.”|  Ok, I am told that some folks love meetings, really.   Could that be true?

The boat show?  Fun, even in the rain.  Not much to report there.  My boat improvement budget is blown, definitely blown for the season.  Time to go sailing. This weekend Brenda and I are visiting our son Rob and his girlfriend Kandice for a few days.  Let’s hope for fair winds early in the week for our run down to Hampton VA.

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