The Rolling Stones, Havana Moon. And, we were there!!!!

When Brenda and I were cruising the south coast of Cuba last winter we heard that the Rolling Stones were giving a free concert in Havana.  Yes, I have written about this a number of times, most recently yesterday.  However, today it occurred to me that there might be something on YouTube worth sharing about that amazing night in Havana.

Before I get started though, this post tells the story of our bus ride there and the concert.   You will just have to forgive me to putting this link in two days in a row.  Just skip it if you saw yesterday’s post.   There were, by some accounts, a million people there on that sultry night in Havana.  Everywhere we looked flags from around the world were being proudly waved.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASome old enough to have grown up listening to the band and some well, not so familiar with the phenomenon that the Stones have been for nearly 50 years.  A mother and daughter (I’m going with that) enjoying the evening.  Waiting for the concert to begin. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was big news and likely the only drug free concert in the history of Stones concerts.  Yes, the Cuban government is very tough on drugs.  This CBS news segment gives a good feel for the excitement we heard again and again from Cubans about change that is coming to Cuba.  Change for the good…they hope. The Stones have put out a feature length movie of the concert.  No surprise on that score. This trailer gives a pretty good feel for what it was like to be there.  A sea of humanity and we were there, if only two specks in that sea of humanity. Ok, Ok, one full length music video.  We were close enough to see but not so close to feel like we were going to be crushed.  It was a remarkable experience.  Yes, an amazing story and one that gets even more amazing with each telling.As they say, “you had to be there” and we were.

Just how cool is that?  Pretty much, totally…

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