Plans change… Just like the weather.

It’s Wednesday morning and we are still here in Thompson Bay Long Island.  Yesterday we decided NOT to head over to the Jumentos, after all my posts to the contrary, as the weather for next week is looking fairly nasty.  As I mentioned many times, the Jumentos are not well protected when fronts come through and it looks like the next one will be fairly bad as has been the case much of the winter.  As a friend told me yesterday, “the Jumentos will still be there next year”.   Indeed.

Happily, there is plenty to do here on Long Island as it’s quite large.  So, the plan is to do some short sails to the northern part of the island over the next few days and then come back here to where it is “sort of” protected from the expected clocking winds.  Actually, it’s exposed to the south west but hopefully, the winds won’t be from that direction for long or be very strong.

We also plan on renting a car for a few days to see the sights on LI.  Last year we did that and had a great time.  There is only one road that runs from north to south so it’s not hard to find your way around.  We are continuing to “buddy boat” with our friends on Nati so that will make the week even more enjoyable.

One of the things that I really enjoy visiting the Bahamas is watching the dramatic clouds.  Sometimes they are combined along with big winds as well but not always.  Can you say “squall”?  On our last night in Georgetown a front came through the area bringing with it quite a show.  We had drenching rain, if only for about 15-30 minutes.  It was nice to get Pandora rinsed off.  However that didn’t last long as our run over to LI the next day got the boat pretty salty.

I was particularly struck by the sunset that evening.  As the sun set we could still see blue sky above and the orange sun setting below.  It didn’t look real.  Quite a shot.A bit later, a beautiful sunset too.  It’s amazing to watch the light change as the minutes tick by. 

So, today a short 20 mile run north to an area called Joe’s Sound.  We heard that there are lots of sea turtles there.  Should be fun.

More to come but it’s time to shove off.


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